Intro + Hello!

Intro + Hello!

These songs all started from the LOVE song. One day when Lilla was a teething baby, she was in incredible pain and couldn't sleep. I tried everything, and nothing worked.

As I rocked her in my arms, a lovely and simple song came out of my heart and lips. "I am Love. You are Love. We are Love." Within moments (after hours of difficulty!), she was at peace and fast asleep.

As I share this with you, she is 8 years old, and we still sing this special song to find peace and joy and to remember that Love is at our center.

The Word "Chakra"

Originally when I shared them here, I called them the Singing Chakra Activation Meditations.

The word "chakra" is really just about ENERGY. So anywhere you see the word "chakra", you can swap it for the word "energy".

In Challenging Times

When life feels challenging, scary, or difficult, these songs can help to move the energy. I recorded them to share, but it's not about me or my voice (thank goodness!). It's just about sharing the songs and the energy of love.

I encourage you to download these to your computer so that you'll have them even if you have an internet blip.

I encourage you to sing them when you need a reset of sorts. Anytime and every time that you know it could help to connect to the space of love and/or to move the energy.

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